Four types of doctorates

There are currently four options for pursuing a doctorate at a university of applied sciences, such as the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, which differ in terms of funding and type. Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences always offers you an optimal research and supervision environment.

Pursuing a doctorate at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences with external funding

In this model, you complete your doctorate together with the Promotionsverband and Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences. You can either choose your own research topic or the topic is specified by a co-operation partner, such as companies, public institutions or foundations. You will look for a first supervisor at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences who is suitable for your topic. Your second supervisor can come from Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences or another university of applied sciences, as long as it is a member of the Promotionsverband. Of course, the role of second supervisor can also be performed by professors from other German or international universities.

Possible funding approaches are (examples):

Industrial doctorate, scholarship (by companies, foundations, graduate colleges or universities) or self-financing

An industrial doctorate or research work that is based on practical topics usually has a high degree of application relevance.

Studierende mit Brillen
Pursuing a doctorate and working at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences

In this model, you complete your doctorate together with the Promotionsverband Baden-Württemberg and Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and also work as an academic staff member at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences. In this model, your research topic is usually integrated into a research project that interests you thematically. The research projects are often formulated in such a way that, in addition to the "pure project goals", a doctorate with a suitable research question is made possible. The funding of the position is usually determined by the duration of the project.

In most cases, there is already a primary supervisor at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences who matches your research topic.

Your second supervisor can come from Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences or another university of applied sciences, provided that it is a member of the Promotionsverband Baden-Württemberg. Of course, the role of second supervisor can also be performed by professors from other German or international universities.

Your doctorate will be funded as an internal employee at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences. Click here for the current vacancies.


Working at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, pursuing a doctorate at another college/university

In this model, you do your doctorate at a university. The doctoral procedure is carried out at the respective university. This can take place in Germany or abroad. At the same time, you will be employed at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences as an academic staff member (usually) within a research project. In this model, your research topic is usually integrated into a research project that interests you thematically.

Your research work can then be carried out either as part of your work at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences or with your university co-operation partner. The second supervision of your doctoral thesis will be carried out by a professor at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences. There are often already close contacts with partner universities in Germany and abroad.

Here you can find the current vacancies at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences.

Cooperative doctoral processes

In this model, you do your doctorate at a university. The doctoral procedure is carried out at the respective university. This can take place in Germany or abroad. At the same time, you are either employed at another college or university or have other, external funding. Your first supervisor is "based" at another college or university. Secondary supervision is provided by one of the professors at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences.

For further information, please arrange a consultation.

Juan Sardi Barzallo

Doctoral candidate HFT Stuttgart

Staying curious and developing creative ideas for a very specific topic - that's what a doctorate is for me.

Juan Barzallo Sardi [Image: Juan Barzallo Sardi]