Die zweite Runde des Mentoring-Programms HAWKarriere wurde am 16. Januar in Stuttgart offiziell eröffnet. 24 der insgesamt 27 engagierten Mentees aus verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen erlebten an der Hochschule für Technik einen inspirierenden Start in ein spannendes Jahr voller Chancen, das auf die Förderung von Entwicklung, Karriereplanung und Vernetzung ausgerichtet ist.
The introductory day with its diverse focal points offered the participants numerous highlights: Under the motto "Career planning and goal setting", the mentees reflected on their individual goals in an interactive workshop in the morning and developed new perspectives for their academic careers. In the afternoon, under the heading "Networking and finding a mentor", the focus was on personal dialogue. Participants made initial contacts and identified potential mentors from the network of attendees.
The HAWKarriere mentoring programme
The HAWKarriere mentoring programme was designed and implemented as part of the "FH-Personal" programme funded by the federal and state governments. It is coordinated by the following nine universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg: EH Ludwigsburg, HFT Stuttgart, TH Ulm, HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen, HS Biberach, HS Ravensburg-Weingarten, HS Furtwangen, HS Offenburg and HS Karlsruhe. It offers doctoral candidates, post-docs, lecturers and newly appointed professors at HAWs targeted support.
Further information on the programme can be found at