The Central Student Advisory Service of the staff unit "Innovative Start of Studies" and the International Student Office with the project "" offer the new information series "Gewusst wie!" for students of HFT Stuttgart for the first time in the winter semester 2021/2022.

A lot of impressions and information pile up on first-semester students at the start of their studies - this can make your head spin. "Especially at the beginning of your studies and in the course of the first semester, many questions arise," says Katrin Renschler from the Central Student Advisory Service. Who can help me with my questions about my studies? What's the deal with registering for exams? How can I organise my studies well and what do I do if I have exam nerves? How can I finance my studies?"

The idea of a series of events, which starts exactly there, already arose last summer: "Both in the staff unit 'Innovative Start of Studies' and within the framework of the new project '' of the International Student Office, we worked on similar concepts - initially, however, independently of each other and with the focus on different target groups" says Tina Panzer, responsible for the project implementation "". "When we heard about it, we networked directly and quickly realized that our concept ideas complement each other well and that we benefit from each other's expertise for the events. The idea of the joint info series was born!"

"With our info series, we have created a low-threshold offer that once again compactly bundles the most important topics for the start of studies and draws attention to the diverse support options at the university. And at the same time, it gives students the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with each other. All this we see as important aspects for a successful start into the study? say Patricia Stetter of the central study consultation.

The individual meetings, consisting of contentwise input and following question round, can be visited independently of each other. The students themselves choose which information is relevant for them and whether they participate in the entire information series or only in individual dates.

Since some of the topics may also be interesting and helpful for students from higher semesters, the Inforeihe is basically open to all students. Participation is free of charge, no registration is required!

The Inforeihe take place weekly on Wednesdays, starting on 13.10.21.

You can find more information about the dates, the topics, as well as the participation here for download and on the pages of the Student Advisory Service and the International Student Office.

Publish date: 13. October 2021
By Tina Panzer (