With the "Library of the Year Baden-Württemberg" award, the Landesverband Baden-Württemberg im Deutschen Bibliotheksverband e.V., together with the savings banks in Baden-Württemberg, honored the library of the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences and three other libraries at the Stuttgart-Stadtmitte location.

The main prize of 10,000 euros goes to the library of the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences. The "Promotional Prize for the Development and Realization of Innovative Library Projects in Baden-Württemberg 2022" worth 5,000 euros will be awarded to the library of the Duale Hochschule BW Stuttgart, the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, and the University of Stuttgart for their joint project Campus-HUB (C-HUB). The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, in Stuttgart.

Giving science a center

In the C-HUB project of the three universities, a future concept was developed for the spatial and organizational interlinking of the three libraries. The concept includes considerations for the development of the library location Stuttgart-Stadtmitte as a link between the universities and the urban society. The aim is to provide a center for science. The criteria for awarding the prize were innovation, future orientation, sustainability, digitization, and collaboration and networking. The project team is continuing to work on the cooperation idea and on a continuation application "C-HUB 2".

Katja Rade, Rector HFT Stuttgart

This award is a great incentive to pursue our joint C-HUB project!

About the "Library of the Year Baden-Württemberg" award:

The award, which has been presented by the savings banks in Baden-Württemberg and the Baden-Württemberg Library Association since 2019, is endowed with €15,000. It is divided into a main prize of 10,000 euros and a promotional prize of 5,000 euros. The prize is awarded annually on an alternating basis to academic or public libraries that are managed on a full-time basis.

The jury includes representatives of the Baden-Württemberg Library Association (dbv), the Savings Banks Association of Baden-Württemberg, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, and the Baden-Württemberg Association of Cities and Towns.

Publish date: 01. August 2022
By Michaela Leipersberger-Linder (michaela.leipersberger-linder@hft-stuttgart.de)