Over 9000 applications were registered at HFT Stuttgart for the winter term 2020/21. 709 students are now pleased to start their bachelor studies at HFT Stuttgart. The principal, Prof. Dr. Katja Rade, and the proprincipal, Prof. Dr. Lutz Gaspers, welcomed the freshmen Erstsemester in the assembly hall of the University of Applied Sciences.

Welcoming of first semester students in small groups

The auditorium of the HFT Stuttgart can normally accommodate events for over 350 people. At the moment the seating is limited to 80 seats and the chairs have the prescribed minimum distance. In addition to the hygiene concept of the HFT Stuttgart, a walkway concept was developed, masks are compulsory on the entire university grounds. Against the background of these precautionary measures, the rector, Prof. Dr. Katja Rade, and prorector, Prof. Dr. Lutz Gaspers, welcome the first-year students in small groups, working in shifts.

Preparation week As one of few universities in Germany, the HFT Stuttgart offers a comprehensive preparation week for all first-year students. The aim is to facilitate the transition from school to university. Getting to know the university for the first time and making contacts are on the programme as well as a varied workshop programme. The first semester students deal with topics such as "organising self-study" and "learning to learn". In addition, they work on their first project tasks in a team before the regular lectures in the individual courses of study begin.

Due to the corona, this year's preparation week is offered as a hybrid event in small groups. This made it possible for first-year students to get to know their university and the most important contact persons on site.

WhatsApp group "HFT for you" for first semester students

Traditionally, the Communications Department offers a special service for first-year students in digital form. All first-year students receive an invitation to join the WhatsApp group "HFT for you" at the start of their studies. Via this platform, students can receive important information and helpful tips directly on their smartphones, exchange information and ask questions. Participation is voluntary, and of course all information is also available on the website.

Start of the lectures in hybrid form

On Monday, October 12, 2020, regular lectures will start at the HFT Stuttgart. Lectures will take place partly online, partly in attendance - the organisation and type of implementation will depend primarily on the size of the semester associations and the current development of the corona case numbers. Students are asked to read all information and e-mails from the university carefully at all times to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible.


Publish date: 07. October 2020
By Petra Dabelstein (presse@hft-stuttgart.de)