Maximilian von der Grün, former scholarship holder of the cooperative doctoral program Windy Cities and employee of the HFT Stuttgart, has successfully passed his doctoral examination at the University of Stuttgart.

The thesis "Numerical Wind Potential Analysis in Urban Environments" was prepared within the framework of the cooperative doctoral program "Windy Cities". In this doctoral program, which was funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg, 12 doctoral students at HFT Stuttgart, the University of Stuttgart and Esslingen University of Applied Sciences investigated the economic use of small wind turbines for local decentralized power generation in urban areas. Jointly supervised by Prof. Dr. Voß from the HFT Stuttgart and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Krämer from the Institute of Aero- and Gasdynamics at the University of Stuttgart, Maximilian von der Grün developed a method to calculate the energy yield of small wind turbines in urban areas using numerical flow simulation. This enabled him to make statements on the efficiency of such plants for a real urban area as an example.

We congratulate Maximilian von der Grün on passing his doctoral examination!

Publish date: 02. October 2023
By Prof. Dr. Ursula Voss ( , Alfred Max (