Prof. Dr. Timm Sigg has been a mathematics professor at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences since 2016 and has now been named a Maths Ambassador by the Stiftung Rechnen.
Stiftung Rechnen has set itself the task of getting people of all ages excited about mathematics, breaking down fears of contact and conveying the joy of arithmetic. To do this, the non-profit organization relies on math ambassadors, among others, who are at home in a wide variety of professions and occupations. They all have one thing in common: their passion for mathematics and their desire to promote the joy of arithmetic and numeracy.
Professor Dr. Timm Sigg, who has been teaching mathematics at the School of Engineering since 2016, has now also been nominated as a Maths Ambassador. Timm Sigg has a great passion for his profession and always tries to convey mathematics to his students with joy and a lot of humour. In doing so, he benefits from his musical talent. He plays the saxophone and piano and is successfully on the road in southern Germany with his cabaret solo program "Die Leiden des jungen Professors - Tiefgründiges in b-Moll".
I am incredibly pleased to be nominated as a maths ambassador, as I can identify very much with this role. Whether in my cabaret program, in the lecture hall or privately, I want to make people who are at war with math laugh, smile, think and marvel just as much as math-savvy people or even hardcore mathematicians.