The city as a collective: Urban integration in the design project Master Architecture
27.04.20, by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Laux
The aim of the semester drafts will be to deal with the banal, affordable, necessary, everyday aspects of the city to formulate alternative structures that result from dealing with ecology, environment, climate, energy and mobility. The design of the space will be complemented by the inclusion of thoughts on the housing problem, the question of land, new ways of living together, the common use of space and other aspects of the contemporary European city.
In 'Integration Urban Design' we first of all work out different attitudes and focal points for the design location Feuerbach Ost. We develop working methods, formulate parameters of urban development, design scenarios, debate them and let them flow into a draft for implementation strategies of a neighbourhood.
In Corona times the urban planning analyses are not carried out together but individually. Own facet-like observations in urban space are conceived before the official start of the semester and presented online as 100-second video clips and debated in a webinar. The heterogeneity of the area and the diversity of points of view combine phenomenological observations to form a common urban space basis: Common Ground.