Fächerübergreifende Projekte mit Nachhaltigkeitsbezug
The aim of the project "M4_LAB - HFT Innovation Laboratory for Metropolitan Region 4.0" is to use the research experience of the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences in urban development and urban modelling for the energy turnaround in order to develop strategies for a climate-neutral region with future-oriented mobility concepts and sustainable industrial production together with the association partner, Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH. For this purpose, both a stronger networking within the HFT Stuttgart through the integration of the fields of construction, various MINT subjects and economics and the transfer with various actors from the region through the development of innovative software solutions in the transfer portal and practice-open innovation spaces should be significantly strengthened. In addition to virtual and physical innovation spaces, real laboratories are also to be created, which will provide locations for the expansion of transdisciplinary research activities. On this basis, ambitious implementation projects are to be carried out, for which the use of the ten-year process of the International Building Exhibition (IBA) starting in 2017 is planned. The thematic priorities urban research, urban energy systems, acceptance research, green logistics, digitization and three-dimensional modeling are addressed (funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, Baden-Württemberg (MWK-BW)).
Within the framework of the strategic partnership for the intelligent city i_city, based on its recognized research focus on "Energy-efficient buildings and sustainable urban development" of the HFT Stuttgart, all research activities are bundled in a lead project Intelligent City to develop innovative concepts for central key areas of the intelligent city with the most important actors from society, economy, administration and planning of the Stuttgart metropolitan region. For a sustainable, energy-efficient and resource-saving urban development, novel concepts are being developed which, by making increased use of information technology, ensure a higher degree of networking of energy systems, smart buildings and network infrastructure, involving the users in all planning and operational management steps. This is the only way to ensure a high level of acceptance and participation by citizens in the transformation of the complex urban system (funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The aim of the research project is to determine, based on a technology analysis, the potential for increasing energy efficiency and the provision of flexibility in the area of computer centres for Baden-Württemberg. Electricity, heat and cooling are always integrated and considered beyond the boundaries of the data center (funded by the Ministry of the Environment of Baden-Württemberg).
The energy generation and distribution of the future requires decentralized and flexible solutions as well as the networking of generators, converters, storage facilities, distributors and consumers. Research has the elementary task of being an innovator. Intelligent communication and control systems are needed to enable the highest possible share of renewable energies with maximum energy efficiency. The increasing combination of electrical and thermal grids and storage systems and the activation of flexibility options for consumers requires the development of innovative cross-system approaches and process analyses in order to provide sustainable and (resource) efficient solutions and to reduce implementation barriers. The focus is also on consumer behaviour (funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (MWK-BW) and the EU (EFRE)).
EnViSaGe - Municipal grid-bound energy supply
Vision 2020 using the example of the municipality of Wüstenrot. Financing concepts for the individual measures (funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)).
Climate neutral municipality
Refurbishment of post-war housing stock using the example of the Elephant residential owners' association, Ludwigsburg-Grünbühl: In close cooperation between owners, the municipality and external experts, possible energy-related refurbishment scenarios are developed in an integrated process using the example of the "Elephant" in Ludwigsburg. Taking into account the financial possibilities, the optimal cost-benefit ratio of a feasible bundle of measures is worked out as an integrated financing model. For refinancing purposes, concepts for the own use of electricity from an existing CHP and possible additional photovoltaic systems are also considered in particular. (funded by the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Economy in Baden-Württemberg)
RealLabor ENSign - Climate neutral inner city campus
The HFT is becoming climate-friendly: the use of renewable energies, exhaustion of the possibilities for energy efficiency, energetic refurbishment, user behaviour and sustainable financing of the relevant measures are topics of the novel, transdisciplinary project type, in which not only research is conducted but also implemented. As an example for the climate-friendly refurbishment of public buildings, the HFT is part of a state-wide program for new sustainability research (Real Laboratories) (funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and Art, Baden Württemberg (MWK-BW)).
In 2010, the HFT Stuttgart was one of 20 selected university teams from all over the world to design and build a 75m² residential building powered exclusively by solar energy and achieved a top ranking. A new participation is currently being planned (funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)).
Together, the Centre for Geodesy and Geoinformatics and the Centre for Sustainable Development are using a mobile app and web service within the framework of EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme of the European Commission) to identify energy efficiency potentials at the university, analyse user behaviour and implement sustainable university operations with the help of digital building plans. (funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and the European Social Fund for Germany)