Project- and problem-oriented learning is a top priority in the civil engineering department at the HFT! The professors themselves have many years of experience in industry and there are many professional and personal connections in Stuttgart as a business location, so that real-life practical examples from companies and authorities can be acquired quite easily.

Through joint study projects, our students not only learn how to acquire new knowledge independently. You will also learn to organise yourself in a group and to develop concrete solutions independently in teamwork. In addition to professional, personal and social skills, students acquire additional methodological skills. Through project-oriented learning, students learn important methods and tools for digital planning, for example.

Project work from the courses of study of the Department of Civil Engineering

Concrete study projects are developed through the many contacts that the course of study or individual professors have. In the following you will find a selection of study projects that have been successfully carried out recently.

Sprungbrett und Becken in einem Hallenbad
Structural engineering

New construction of an indoor swimming pool

As part of the project, students in groups planned the construction of an indoor swimming pool in Aalen.

The project was supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Feirabend.

Eine Autobahn bei Nacht
Water and transport

Mobility concept for rural areas

Using Mellrichstadt as an example, an interdisciplinary group of students from the bachelor's degree courses in civil engineering and infrastructure management examined the development opportunities of the city, taking into account modern forms of mobility in rural areas.

The project was supervised by Prof. Lutz Gaspers and Prof. Leyla Chakar.

Die Skyline von Frankfurt bei Nacht

Bid processing for the turnkey construction of a high-rise building

Within the scope of the project, students worked on selected tasks from the planning, tendering and calculation of an office high-rise using a digital building model.

The project was supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siri Krauß and the lecturer Dipl.-Ing. Jan-Paul Greef.

Ein Gruppenfoto
Industrial Engineering Construction and Real Estate

Practice live - presentation of project study results

At the conclusion of the project study in the Industrial Engineering and Construction and Real Estate course of study, the participants were able to present their results in the large conference room of the city hall of the city of Rutesheim.

In the assignment "Project development of the Bosch site in Rutesheim", the students had to work on a current practical task. The dissolution of a commercial site of the Bosch company in an inner-city location of Rutesheim offers the city the opportunity to create a lively and attractive new city quarter. Here, the students had the opportunity to develop their own project development ideas parallel to a planning competition organised by the city of Rutesheim, which is supported by Wüstenrot Haus- und Städtebau GmbH. The project task was issued by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hirschner together with the practice partner of Wüstenrot Haus- und Städtebau GmbH and the city of Rutesheim.

After the successful completion of the project study, the students now had the opportunity to present their results live in the town hall of the city of Rutesheim. The students' elaborations were very well received by the professional audience. The mayor, the first alderman, the master builder, representatives of the practice partner Wüstenrot Haus- und Städtebau GmbH and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hirschner from the HFT Stuttgart participated.

Eine Hand hält ein Handy, im Hintergrund eine Straße
Civil engineering and infrastructure management

Cross-programme project on autonomous driving

In the summer semester 2019, 19 students from the Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Management courses of study worked on the question of what effects the change in mobility will have on the development of a city in rural areas as part of an interdisciplinary project. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lutz Gaspers and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Leyla Chakar were responsible for the content. The project work was approached using the method of Problem and Project Oriented Work (POL). For this part the group was accompanied by Robert Gandert, who supports this kind of learning and teaching as a didactics expert in Faculty B.

The Streutal-Allianz in Lower Franconia, to which the town of Mellrichstadt and surrounding towns and communities belong, was won as a project partner. "What effects does the introduction of autonomous driving have on Mellrichstadt and its surroundings" was the question posed by the students. This is not an easy question.

In order to answer the question, the students first had to deal with possible methods and the prerequisites of their work. To achieve this, autonomous driving and mobility had to be thought of. In the seminar, traffic was then identified as earmarked. For one semester, the students formed five cross-degree working groups: Education, social, leisure, work, shopping, which reflected the main mobility purposes.

Scenarios should be developed to illustrate possible effects of autonomous driving. One should assume semi-autonomous and the other fully autonomous driving. In order to project current events onto such a situation, it was necessary to collect data on current traffic. For this purpose, the students created questions for an on-site and an online survey.

During the first visit to Mellrichstadt, traffic behaviour at key points such as schools, local businesses and individual shops was surveyed and the attitude towards autonomy was also recorded. In detail and at well-chosen locations, the students were able to explore details in Mellrichstadt and collect relevant information and even quantitative data.

In the next step, the students used the information and data collected to develop a situation analysis. Each working group was able to consider specific characteristics of Mellrichstadt. In an autonomously driving school bus, for example, the bus driver familiar to the children might be missing. Now two scenarios for Mellrichstadt have been processed.

In the grand finale of the project at the beginning of July 2019, the students were able to present their results to interested citizens from Mellrichstadt in the local market hall. Each group designed posters. After presentations by all five working groups, the guests were able to choose interesting topics and obtain more detailed information in conversation with the local press.

The students worked out the local chances and possibilities. Autonomous driving has not proved to be a panacea for rural development issues. In doing so, the students relied on facts that had been gathered and on their conclusions. However, nothing stands in the way of the targeted use of the technology for specific targets in Mellrichstadt as well.

Project Report "Mellrichstadt