Energy management at wastewater treatment plants
The Baden-Württemberg University of Applied Sciences has completed the state of Baden-Württemberg's guide to "Energy Management at Wastewater Treatment Plants - Successful Projects" on behalf of the DWA (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste) and the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Baumann (Chair of Urban Water Management) worked out the main contents and compiled a selection of the "best" plants in the form of "profiles".
The brochure was distributed free of charge to all operators of the approximately 900 municipal wastewater treatment plants as well as to the responsible state authorities in Baden-Württemberg and will be available in the future on the INTRANET of the state within the authorities.
The aim is to increase awareness of the need to conserve resources by increasing the proportion of electricity produced in-house and to further promote innovative solutions for improving energy efficiency at wastewater treatment plants.