Study by Kai Kraus (2019)
Attractiveness factors of Stuttgart city centre from the consumer's point of view
Master thesis by Kai Kraus (2018)
The attractiveness of medium-sized city centres for consumers: Creation of a scoring model
Bachelor thesis by Svetlana Peci (2019)
Success factors from the customer's point of view to influence the attractiveness of stationary retail shops - Results of an online survey with consumers
Bachelor thesis by Alisa Schumpp (2019)
The attractiveness of city centres using the example of the city of Stuttgart - identification of emotional hot spots using the movisensXS real-time research app:
Bachelor thesis by Sonja Hildebrandt (2018)
A step towards the future: How owners of stationary retailers can deal with the change in consumer requirements - a qualitative study using the example of the city of Ludwigsburg
Bachelor thesis by Sophia Miorin (2017)
Attractiveness of retailers in the city centre: a survey of different target groups in the area of Ludwigsburg
- Kraus, K., Bäumer, T. & Braun, B. (2019). The attractiveness of medium-sized city centers for consumers. Creation of a scoring model. GWPs Annual Conference, Berlin.
- Braun, B., Bäumer, T. & Huber, S. (2017). Profiting from synergy effects is more important than ever for owner-managed companies. German Congress of Geography 2017, Tübingen.
- Miorin, S., Bäumer, T. & Braun, B. (2017). Attractiveness and challenges of retail trade in the city centre. German Congress of Geography 2017, Tübingen.
- Kraus, K., Braun, B. & Bäumer, T. (in press). Creation of a scoring model to measure the attractiveness of middle-sized city-centres for consumers. In P. Planing, P. Müller, P. Dehdaari & T. Bäumer (eds.), Innovations for Metro-politan Areas. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Miorin, S., Braun, B. & Bäumer, T. (2019). Opportunities and challenges of digitization for the retail industry - dealing with cross-channel customers. In E. Lochmahr, P. Müller, P. Planing & T. Popovic (eds.), Shaping Digital Change. Transdisciplinary approaches from science and business (1st edition 2019, pp. 191-204). Wiesbaden: Knight Gabler.
- Schumpp, A., Huber, S. & Braun, B. (2020) (in press). What makes an inner city attractive today and in the future? - Analysis of emotional hotspots using the city of Stuttgart as an example. In P. Planing, P. Müller, P. Dehdaari & T. Bäumer (eds.), Innovations for Metro-politan Areas. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Duration | since 2017 |
Project participants | Prof. Dr Thomas Bäumer, Prof. Dr Stephanie Huber |
Project partners | FORMENFormen Ludwigsburg (, CIS City Initiative Stuttgart e.V. ( |