Cities are increasingly fighting for visitors, companies and busting city centers. That is why it is important to measure, to strengthen and to promote the life in city centers. Together with our project partners, we are pursuing the following research question:

How will city centres and retailers of the future look like?

Within the framework of this research initiative, various studies with student participation have been realized in recent years.


Study by Kai Kraus (2019)

Attractiveness factors of Stuttgart city centre from the consumer's point of view


Master thesis by Kai Kraus (2018)

The attractiveness of medium-sized city centres for consumers: Creation of a scoring model


Bachelor thesis by Svetlana Peci (2019)

Success factors from the customer's point of view to influence the attractiveness of stationary retail shops - Results of an online survey with consumers


Bachelor thesis by Alisa Schumpp (2019)

The attractiveness of city centres using the example of the city of Stuttgart - identification of emotional hot spots using the movisensXS real-time research app:


Bachelor thesis by Sonja Hildebrandt (2018)

A step towards the future: How owners of stationary retailers can deal with the change in consumer requirements - a qualitative study using the example of the city of Ludwigsburg


Bachelor thesis by Sophia Miorin (2017)

Attractiveness of retailers in the city centre: a survey of different target groups in the area of Ludwigsburg


  • Kraus, K., Bäumer, T. & Braun, B. (2019). The attractiveness of medium-sized city centers for consumers. Creation of a scoring model. GWPs Annual Conference, Berlin.
  • Braun, B., Bäumer, T. & Huber, S. (2017). Profiting from synergy effects is more important than ever for owner-managed companies. German Congress of Geography 2017, Tübingen.
  • Miorin, S., Bäumer, T. & Braun, B. (2017). Attractiveness and challenges of retail trade in the city centre. German Congress of Geography 2017, Tübingen.



  • Kraus, K., Braun, B. & Bäumer, T. (in press). Creation of a scoring model to measure the attractiveness of middle-sized city-centres for consumers. In P. Planing, P. Müller, P. Dehdaari & T. Bäumer (eds.), Innovations for Metro-politan Areas. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
  • Miorin, S., Braun, B. & Bäumer, T. (2019). Opportunities and challenges of digitization for the retail industry - dealing with cross-channel customers. In E. Lochmahr, P. Müller, P. Planing & T. Popovic (eds.), Shaping Digital Change. Transdisciplinary approaches from science and business (1st edition 2019, pp. 191-204). Wiesbaden: Knight Gabler.
  • Schumpp, A., Huber, S. & Braun, B. (2020) (in press). What makes an inner city attractive today and in the future? - Analysis of emotional hotspots using the city of Stuttgart as an example. In P. Planing, P. Müller, P. Dehdaari & T. Bäumer (eds.), Innovations for Metro-politan Areas. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.


Durationsince 2017
Project participantsProf. Dr Thomas Bäumer, Prof. Dr Stephanie Huber
Project partnersFORMENFormen Ludwigsburg (, CIS City Initiative Stuttgart e.V. (


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