In addition to the outstanding assessment of the Business Psychology course, which is represented in the top group in 13 of 17 categories in the current CHE ranking, the Business Studies department can also look forward to top rankings in other study subjects.

Category "Professional Experience" and "International Orientation of Studies and Teaching".

In the CHE Ranking 2020, the entire economic sector at the HFT Stuttgart receives top ratings in the category "professional practice". Above all, the exchange of practical experience with the companies is awarded the highest possible rating in all five study courses.

The Master's programme General Management as well as the Business Administration course of studies are also represented in the top group in the category "International orientation of studies and teaching".

Prof. Dr. Andrea Lochmahr Dean of Studies Master Programme Environmental Logistics

Our new and innovative master's degree course in environmentally oriented logistics is particularly distinguished by its high relevance to business practice.

Prof. Dr. Georg Hauer Dean of Studies Master Programme General Management

International experience is of crucial importance for prospective junior managers, and we are pleased that our diverse partner and double degree programs are seen as excellent preparation.

Category "Support at the beginning of studies

In addition, in addition to Business Psychology, the Business Administration course at the HFT Stuttgart also impressed in the category "Support at the beginning of studies" and also reached the top group here.

Prof. Dr. Melanie Mühlberger Dean of Studies Business Administration

In the Business Administration course, we place particular emphasis on the support of our first-year students through an interactive introductory week, information events and individual study guidance, in order to facilitate rapid integration into the course and the university.

[Image: HFT Stuttgart]

Current CHE university ranking 2020/21

The Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung gGmbH (CHE), in cooperation with DIE ZEIT, conducts an annual ranking of universities in Germany. The data collection for the individual subjects is carried out in a 3-year rhythm. In addition to studies, teaching, equipment and research, the ranking also includes assessments by students on the study conditions at their university. The current results of the CHE university ranking with more than 300 examined universities and about 120,000 students are published in the ZEIT Studienführer.

Publish date: 11. May 2020