The Master's programme in Business Psychology & Business Transformation is a part-time cooperative study programme offered by Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and Aalen University of Applied Sciences. In cooperative projects, the two participating universities share experiences, exploit synergies and jointly find answers to the increasing complexity in the higher education sector. For the joint Master's degree program, the two cooperating universities pool their expertise and competencies in the field of business psychology and business transformation. Each of the universities has special knowledge carriers and excellently equipped lecture rooms that are brought into the joint Master's degree program.

Further information can also be found on the website of Aalen University.

Application deadline

July 15,
Start of studies in September

Study time

4 semesters (extra-occupational)

Study title

Master of Science (M.Sc.)



The application for the Master's program in Business Psychology & Business Transformation takes place exclusively via Aalen University.


Please send your application documents to the following address:

Graduate Campus Hochschule Aalen Beethovenstraße 1 73430 Aalen

The program starts every year in September. Please ask if there are still places available.

Admission requirements

The following requirements must be met for a successful application to the part-time Master's programme in Business Psychology & Business Transformation:

  • Completed university studies with a minimum of 6 semesters of regular study time and 210 ECTS points. If the degree comprises less than 210 credit points, the difference must be additionally earned during the Master's program. Further information on the acquisition of missing credits can be found here.
  • Professional experience of at least one year after completion of the first degree programme
  • Written presentation of the motivation to study



For the application, please fill out the study contract with the Graduate Campus as well as the application for admission to the external examination. Furthermore, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Copies of the university entrance qualification and the certificate of the first study, certified by the corresponding school or a town hall (in the original)

  • Letter of motivation (by mail)

  • Curriculum vitae in table form (by mail)

  • Passport photo in original or as jpeg (by mail)

  • Proof of professional experience after completion of first degree (e.g. letter from employer, by mail)

You will find a checklist for the application documents on page 3 of the application for admission to the external students' examination.

You can find funding opportunities for part-time study programmes here: Funding opportunities (


Quick Facts

The study programme at a glance
Study structure:10 compulsory modules / 4 elective modules
Language:German, partly English
Group size:Maximum 25 students
Degree:Master of Science, 90 ECTS
Duration:4 semesters, 2 years
Tuition fees:1,900 EUR registration fee, 650 EUR per month (17,500 EUR total cost), payable monthly or per semester (4,375 EUR).
Internationality:Additional module abroad at a partner university abroad
Venue:Aalen University and Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
Digital learning:Use of high-quality digital teaching and learning materials and state-of-the-art learning management system
Lecture times:Friday: 15:30 - 20:30, Saturday: 9:30 - 16:45 on 2-3 weekends per month, 1 block week per year

Application deadline: 15.07. each year; start of studies in September

Target group:For specialists and managers of all disciplines who want to gain further professional and academic qualifications alongside their job



What does the Master's programme in Business Psychology & Business Transformation offer?


Economic success no longer guarantees the long-term success of a company, as the world of work is becoming increasingly complex due to the digital transformation. New business areas are emerging that require employees with completely different skills. Entrepreneurial change and employee satisfaction are of major importance here.

In this context, business psychologists have a key function as "bridge builders". They are able to accompany organizations and especially employees through this transformation process.

During the course of study, psychological action skills and the aspects of business transformation are taught, which are deepened by topics such as behavioural economics and decision-making processes. In-depth knowledge of data analysis and agile methods, which are becoming increasingly important, are also part of the course.

Prof. Dr. Patrick Müller

Scientific Director Master Business Psychology & Business Transformation



"Our goal is for graduates of our new course to be able to shape and accompany entrepreneurial transformation processes, taking psychological insights into account."












[Image: HFT Stuttgart]


Semester 1Semester 2Semester 3Semester 4
Concept of Business Psychology 1Industrial and Organizational PsychologyEvent economics and decision processesMaster thesis and master colloquium
Concept of Business Psychology 2Communication and consumer psychologyBusiness Transformation 
Research Methods and Data Analysis 1Research Methods and Data Analysis 1Transfer Project 
Human Resources and Organizational Development*Agile Methods and Change*Leadership and New Work* 
Digital Transformation*Coaching* Innovation Management and New Business Development* 

Elective area: the modules marked with * are elective modules. In total you choose 4 modules.

The contents of the individual modules can be found in the module descriptions:

Deepening strands

1. Change: Become an expert for change in your company with the following elective modules: Human Resources and Organisational Development, Agile Methods & Change and Leadership & New Work

2. Innovation: Become an expert in innovation with the following elective modules: Digital Transformation, Agile Methods & Change and Innovation Management & New Business Development

3. Consulting: Become an expert in consulting with the following elective modules: Consulting, Agile Methods & Change and Coaching

The choice of a specialisation strand is optional. Alternatively, there is a free choice of 4 elective modules from the range.

What sets us apart?

Modular structure

The modular study structure with directly subsequent examinations guarantees that the course can be studied alongside a career. All lecturers are professors from the participating universities or proven experts from industry.


Lecture times

Lectures take place on Fridays from 15:30 to 20:30 and on Saturdays from 09:30 to 16:45. On average, this corresponds to 2 lecture weekends per month. The school holidays in Baden-Württemberg are lecture-free.


Start and duration of studies

Studies start every year in September. The course lasts four semesters (2 years) and comprises 90 ECTS points.


Block week

The block week or individual block days are a special form of course. They take place in all 3 semesters and are announced in good time in the lecture schedule. Please reserve this period and take leave or educational leave for it. Further information on educational leave can be found here.


Individually designed

The large variety of elective subjects offers you the opportunity to further your education according to your individual and professional inclinations and needs. This creates the best starting options for success-oriented personal further education. Spread over 3 semesters, you choose at least 4 out of 7 elective subjects. You decide on the elective modules before you start your studies. In addition, you can choose a fifth elective module free of charge either from your own course of study or from the Master's programme offered by the Graduate Campus and the Graduate School Ostwürttemberg. The choice of a specialisation strand is optional. The choice of a specialisation strand is mentioned in the transcript. There are three possible specialisation strands: Change, Innovation and Consulting.


Digitalisation in teaching

The Master's programme is a face-to-face programme with high teaching and learning quality through personal exchange with the lecturers and the group. In addition, high-quality digital learning materials are included in the study concept, which are developed at home in self-study and reduce the attendance time at the university. We use the cloud-based state-of-the-art learning management system "Canvas", which is used at the world's most successful universities. Our flexible learning concept makes it possible to switch to online lectures at any time.


One module of the Master's programme can take place abroad, usually in the second semester. Participation in the module abroad is voluntary, please expect additional costs for this. During this time, students learn about regional and cultural conditions and receive information and lectures about the economy.

Content of the study abroad:

  • 4-5 days of lectures at one of our international partner universities
  • Participation in a module from the curriculum
  • Acquisition of 5 ECTS
  • Visit to local companies

Apply for educational leave, further information can be found here.

Due to the current developments and a responsible handling of the given situation, we unfortunately have to cancel all modules abroad for the time being. We hope to be able to offer them again soon.



The degree programme qualifies you for a career in the following fields of work in particular:

  • Strategy and personnel management
  • Organizational development and change management
  • Project, process and innovation management
  • Internal and external management consulting
  • Coaching, consulting and advisory services
  • Marketing, market research and advertising psychology

The course prepares you specifically for the management of interdisciplinary teams in the fields of corporate development and human resources for the assumption of management and expert functions.