Eine schlammige Strasse in Nepal
2020 Nepal

Installation of solar island systems in Mirge (Part 2)

The planning of the second excursion to Mirge (Nepal) is in full swing. It will take place in February/March 2020.


Eine Gruppe Studierender auf einer Exkursion in Nepal
2018 Nepal

Installation of solar island systems in Mirge (Part 1)

In autumn 2017, a student of building physics had the idea to start an aid project within the framework of an excursion. Soon many others in the course of study were convinced of this idea, so that the planning was started. In April 2018 the final decision was made for the new Nepal project in Mirge, about 100 km east of the capital Kathmandu. Mirge was severely damaged by an earthquake in 2015. In addition, the power supply in the village is very unstable and the electricity fails for hours. Therefore, the installation of approx. 100 photovoltaic systems (20 Wp) to generate electricity for domestic lighting was planned.

Report (PDF Download)

Eine Gruppenaufnahme von Studierenden
2004 Philippinen

Solar dryer on the Philippine island Cebu

After a one-year break and the development of a new prototype, another student development aid project was carried out in spring 2004. In this project, the new development of the solar dryer on the Philippine island of Cebu was built and put into operation.

Report (PDF Download)

Bergmassiv in Nepal
Nepal 2000

Solar system installation in Nepal

The fun of solar technology was also conveyed by the solar plant installation in Nepal in February 2000. In cooperation with a Nepalese NGO, two groups of students installed photovoltaic systems in a rural training centre and a health station in the Himalayas, far away from high-tech planning and execution in familiar surroundings, but nevertheless instructive enough and especially welcomed with great joy by the villagers.

Report (PDF Download)